"Action: Intestinal heat excess, with high fever, profuse sweating, thirst, constipation, abdominal distention and pain, delirium, a yellow tongue coat and a full pulse, Yang-Ming Fu Stage, Qi level heat in the intestines, fire from excess with intense fever, sore throat, and painful eyes and constipation, fire toxin sores due to Xue level heat, especially with constipation, damp-heat with edema, jaundice, painful urinary dysfunction and acute, hot dysenteric disorders, bloody stool either from hemorrhoids or heat in the intestines, chaotic movement of hot blood with hemoptysis or epistaxis with constipation, it can be powdered and administered orally for bleeding in the upper digestive tract, blood stasis with amenorrhea, fixed abdominal masses or fixed pain, blood stasis due to traumatic injury, intestinal abscess, topically or internally for burns or skin lesions (Chuang Yung) due to heat, chronic accumulation of phlegm-heat with cough, dyspnea, mania, disorientation and other symptoms of phlegm misting the heart"