"70gr/ 50 tbl
Action: Palpitations, shortness of breath (especially on exertion), excessive perspiration (in daytime), symptoms worse after exertion or when tired, facial pallor, fatigue, weakness, suffocating sensation in chest."..
"50gr/60 tbl
Action: Nourish Kidney- and Heart-Yin, clear Heart Empty Heat, calm the Mind.
Indications: Hot flushes (flashes), sweating, night sweating, mental restlessness, anxiety, a feeling of heat in the evening, a dry throat, dryness of the vagina, insomnia, palpitations, dream-distu..
"50gr/60 tbl
Action: Invigorate Blood, eliminate stasis, stop bleeding.
Indications: Heavy periods with dark and clotted blood, painful periods with pain relieved after the onset of the period, irregular periods, periods stopping and starting, mental restlessness, agitation, irritability,..
"50gr/60 tbl
Action: Nourish Kidney-Yin, clear Empty Heat, stop bleeding.
Indications: Heavy menstrual bleeding during the period itself and not so much outside the normal period time, bright-red or scarlet-red blood, nightsweating, a dry throat at night, dizziness, tinnitus, backache, de..
"50gr/60 tbl
Action: Tonify and warm Kidney-Yang, nourish Blood, tonify and raise Qi.
Indications: Recurrent miscarriage, a history of miscarriages and infertility, irregular periods, late cycle,scanty or heavy periods, backache, dizziness, tinnitus, feeling cold, depression, frequent pal..
"50gr/60 tbl
Action: Tonify Qi to hold Blood.
Indications: Heavy periods that start with a flood and/or continue for a long time with a trickle, bright red and rather dilute blood, tiredness, depression, weariness, loose stools, poor appetite, backache, frequent pale urination, sweating, ..
"50gr/60 tbl
Action: Tonify and warm Kidney-Yang, nourish the Essence, strengthen the Governing, Directing and Penetrating vessels.
Indications: Infertility, backache, dizziness, tinnitus, feeling cold, a history of amenorrhoea or scanty periods, irregular periods, frequent pale urination..
"50gr/60 tbl
Action: Expel Cold, warm the Uterus, tonify and warm Kidney-Yang.
Indications: Infertility, a history of dysmenorrhoea and late periods, irregular periods, amenorrhoea, feeling cold, backache, frequent pale urination, tiredness, loose stools, depression, white vaginal dischar..