"50gr/60 tbl
Action: Cool Blood, clear Empty Heat, nourish Yin, stop bleeding.
Indications: Heavy periods that may start with a flood or go on trickling for a long time after the proper period time, or both; bright-red or scarlet-red blood, mental restlessness, anxiety, insomnia, agitatio..
"60gr/ 50 tbl
Action: Memory loss, forgetfulness, absent-mindedness, lack of concentration, menorrhagia, palpitations with or without anxiety, insomnia, nightmares, reduced appetite, pale, wan complexion, pale lips and nails, early menstruation with copious pale blood, continuous flow with l..
"60gr/ 50 tablets
Action: Prolapse of the uterus, prolapse of the colon, prolapse of the stomach, hemorroids, psycological fatigue, haematuria, chronic diarrhoea, recurrent miscarriages, urine incontinence, leucorrhoea."..